
The Perfect Red Lipstick!

Lately I have been seriously digging red lips. They can really pull a look together and make a statement. Plus, they’re just fun! Finding the right red to complement your skin tone, though, can be difficult. After several tries and a few annoyed makeup counter salespeople, I finally found Bobbi Brown’s “Red Carpet” Creamy Matte Lip Color and me loves! It really is the all around perfect red to wear day or night, and it has a bit of a pink tint so it doesn’t look harsh on. Here’s what it looks like on me. I’d love to know what you think!

"Red Carpet" Creamy Matte Lip Color by Bobbi Brown

“Red Carpet” Creamy Matte Lip Color by Bobbi Brown

Helpful tip: If you have fair skin, stick to blue based reds; if have darker or more olive toned skin try a more orangy red.


a mix of things that move me

T Magazine

a mix of things that move me


a mix of things that move me

desire to inspire

a mix of things that move me

Cup of Jo

a mix of things that move me