Category Archives: Entertaiment

So So Superbowl

Admittedly, I’m not much of a football fan, so Superbowl Sunday doesn’t hold the same excitement for me as it does for most. Luckily, there’s lots to do for those of us who are more into Superbowl parties than the actual game itself. If you’re looking for something else to do today, I’ve put together a list of things alternative entertaining options to spend the day.

  • Bake cookies. Baked goods are always a good idea
  • Open a bottle of wine. Wine goes well with cookies.
  • Watch the Puppy Bowl
  • Catch up on your Netflix queue
  • Open another bottle of wine
  • Watch Superbowl commercials
  • Order Thai food
  • Check out Beyonce’s highly anticipated half-time show

Ok, so this is a list of thingsĀ I do rather than watch the Superbowl. Still, I hope it inspires some of you non-football fans out there.

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a mix of things that move me

T Magazine

a mix of things that move me


a mix of things that move me

desire to inspire

a mix of things that move me

Cup of Jo

a mix of things that move me